I’m slowly learning that I don’t have to react to every thing that bothers me.
I’m slowly learning that the energy to react to every “bad” thing that happens to me drains me and keeps me from seeing the other good things in life.
I’m slowly learning that I’m not going to be everyone’s comfort and I’m not going to be able to get everyone to treat me the way I want to be treated and that’s not that bad.
I’m slowly learning that trying to ′′′win′′ someone is just a waste of time, energy and just filling me with emptiness.
I’m slowly learning that not reacting doesn’t mean I’m okay with things, just that I’m choosing to rise above them.
I choose to learn the lesson, it served me and I learn from it. I choose to be the bigger person.
I choose my peace of mind because that’s what I really need.
I don’t need more drama.
I don’t need people to make me feel like I’m not good enough.
I don’t need fights, arguments and false connections.
I’m slowly learning that sometimes saying nothing says it all.
I’m slowly learning that by reacting to things that upset me, you’re giving someone power over me and my emotions.
I can’t control what other people do, but I can choose how I react, how I handle it, how I perceive it, and how personally I take it.
I’m slowly learning that most of the time these situations say nothing about me and a lot about the other person.
I learn that all these disappointments are there to teach me to love myself and will serve as my shield.
I’m learning that even if I react, it won’t change anything, it won’t make people suddenly like and respect me, it won’t magically change their minds.
Sometimes it’s better to let things go, to let people go, not to fight to move on, not to ask for explanations, not to seek answers, and not to expect people to they understand what you see.
I’m slowly learning that life is best lived when you don’t focus on what’s going on around you, but rather on what’s going on inside you.
Work on yourself, on your inner peace, and you will find that not reacting to every little thing that bothers you is the first ingredient to living a happy and healthy life.

Louise HAY & Wayne

Categories: Awakening


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